A New Website, a New Start

In this post, the second on this new website, I’ll explain what has been going on to cause this migration from ‘old’ Black Dog Forex to Black Dog Trader, which is where we are now. The ‘Forex’ site was not that old but the problem was with the hosting company. There appeared to be always one problem after another especially with the site being down on a regular basis.

So, of course, I reached the point of no return and said to myself, ‘Enough is enough.’ It was now time to look for another hosting company.

I actually spent around four days looking for a new host and finally found Brixly so let’s see how they get on? Nearly went with 20i but they didn’t use Paypal. I wanted to keep away from all the old ‘favourites’ like Hostgator and GoDaddy, in fact I was hard-pressed to find any glowing reports for them.

Black Dog Forex members

If you are able to login to Black Dog Forex then you will be able to gain access to this site though your login details will not work. I am unable to transfer member’s login details from the ‘Forex’ site. You will need to email them to me where I will enter you as a member. As I write this the membership section is not fully operational as yet – won’t be long though as I am beavering away like a madman. So there is no panic.

New software

On the ‘Forex’ site the membership details were set up with software called WishList Member and, to be honest, there was nothing wrong with it. Ran like a dream. Running alongside WLM I had OptimizePress which I used to build the site. Again, very good to use.

This site is also built with OptimizePress but a later version which is even better. In the meantime they have also released Membership software which I’ll also use on this site instead of WLM making it totally OptimizePress built. Will have to spend some time and learn how to use it first. They are very good with the support so it’s really a no-brainer.

So, this first post is really just to bring you up to date with what’s happening at Black Dog. Since I decided to move from the ‘old’ host I haven’t been able to do much trading as I want to get this site built and working as soon as possible. Lots of things to learn along the way too.

I appreciate that not too many people will be interested in the workings of the website but at least it gives you some idea of the immediate tasks ahead. So with that being said, I wish you all Happy Hunting on the charts…

Til next time


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